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How To Clean A Grinder In 5 Easy Steps

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Part of a grinder

Don’t let your lack of knowledge about how to clean a grinder be a deterrent to maintaining your cannabis equipment. There are plenty of good reasons to keep your grinder clean, and it’s really not that difficult when you get the hang of it.

In this article, the experts will show you how to clean a grinder in five easy steps — with no muss and no fuss.

And if a clean tool isn’t motivation enough for you, we’ll show you how to use the leftover plant matter to take your smoke sesh to the next level.

Why You Should Clean Your Grinder

1) Keeps You From Getting Sick

Those nugs of bud we all love were once live plant matter. And even though they’ve been dried and cured, they will eventually start to decompose.

That means bacteria will start to grow on any leftover kief in your grinder. And in case you were absent that day in middle school, bacteria can make you sick. Clean your grinder and stay healthy longer.

2) Ensures The Smooth Operation Of Your Grinder

Part of a grinder

Periodic cleaning ensures that your grinder will work smoothly when you need it most.

Grinding cannabis is a sticky job, and some of that sticky icky will get stuck in your grinder. That can gum up the works and make your grinder not only harder to turn but less efficient to boot.

More effort and less finely-ground grass? No thanks. We’ll clean our grinder, thank you.

3) Helps Extend The Life Of Your Grinder

Entropy is a harsh mistress, that’s for sure. Systems break down. Objects degrade. And the teeth on your grinder get dull. Damn you, entropy!

But you can defy decay by cleaning your grinder regularly. This keeps the teeth sharp and the “turny mechanism” smooth and easy-to-use.

And it really is worth the effort to give the finger to a property of thermodynamics (think about this when you’re high and you’ll understand).

When You Should Clean Your Grinder

Along with how to clean a grinder, many people wonder when to clean a grinder. The answer is every 30 to 60 days.

That, of course, depends on how often you’re grinding. If you pulverize pot every day, the cannabinoids and terpenes (a.k.a. trichomes) will build up faster on the surface of your grinder and necessitate more frequent cleanings

If you only grind your ganja once or twice a month, you can probably get away with cleaning it every 60 days.

How To Clean A Grinder

Grinders come in many different shapes, sizes, and materials. The first two variables aren’t really a concern when considering how to clean a grinder…unless it’s so big or so wonkily-shaped that it won’t fit in your freezer.

If you find yourself in this situation, all we can say is, “Damn, son, send us a picture of that monster grinder!”

Grinder material

The third variable — grinder material — is extremely important when trying to decide how to clean a grinder.

Metals will rust when exposed to water. Acrylics and other plastics will dissolve, warp, and generally degrade when exposed to isopropyl alcohol.

That’s why it’s imperative to figure out what your grinder is made of before you clean it. If you somehow managed to purchase a grinder with both plastic and metal parts, you’re basically screwed.

No, not really. You just have to be extra careful and break the cleaning process down into more steps.

We’ll explain how to clean a grinder made of metal and how to clean a grinder made of plastic in the step-by-step guide below. But first, let’s assemble our tools.

Tools To Make The Job Easier

  • Isopropyl alcohol (for metal grinders)
  • Dish soap (for acrylic and plastic grinders)
  • Hot water
  • Freezer (optional but highly recommended)
  • Large plate or plastic cutting board
  • Container to hold the kief
  • Toothbrush or soft paintbrush
  • Toothpick, metal pick, or dab tool

5 Easy Steps To Clean A Grinder

1) Disassemble Your Grinder

Example of how to clean a grinder

Disassemble your grinder into as many small pieces as possible (without breaking it, of course).

If you use a four-piece, three-chamber grinder, you’ll probably have a lid, the grinding chamber, the collection chamber, and the kief chamber. Two- and three-piece grinders will have fewer pieces (Duh!).

Some grinders will have a removable screen between the collection chamber and the kief chamber. Be careful when you remove this screen. It’s fragile.

Too much force or a sharp nail can break a hole in the screen that will render it about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle or a screen door on a battleship.

2) To The Freezer!

This step is optional, but it does make the next few steps so much easier.

Place all the pieces of your grinder in the freezer for 30 minutes. This will harden all the sticky plant matter that’s clinging to the surface of your grinder.

This is especially useful for dislodging every last bit of canna-goodness from the screen between your collection chamber and kief chamber.

Handle your plastic grinder with care after you remove it from the freezer. Plastic becomes brittle at low temperatures.

3) Tap, Brush, Scrape

After removing the grinder parts from the freezer, hold them over a plastic cutting board and tap them gently against your hand or the surface of the cutting board.

If you don’t have a plastic cutting board, a plate works just as well. Honestly, you just need a surface where you can collect the leftover plant matter. A cereal bowl or your partner’s belly works just as well.

Next, brush all the surfaces of the grinder with a toothbrush or soft paintbrush. And just so you’re clear, we’re not talking a wall paintbrush. You’ll find it much easier if you use a watercolor paintbrush or something of similar size.

If some stubborn gunk refuses to come off, scrape the area with a toothpick or dab tool.


Just because it’s been living in your grinder for the past month, doesn’t mean it’s not still some good #&@$.

This is the most labor-intensive part of the whole process, but the freezing makes it so much easier. You can skip the 30-minutes of freezer time if you want, but you’ll probably spend two, three, or four times as long trying to pick all the waxy stuff off your grinder.

4) Bring On The Alcohol Or Water

It’s at this point that how you clean a grinder will diverge into two different paths depending on whether you have a metal grinder or a plastic grinder.

For metal grinders, submerge the pieces in a bowl or plastic baggie of isopropyl alcohol. This will kill any bacteria that might be hiding in the nooks and crannies.

Feel free to agitate the bowl or baggie a bit to loosen up any stubborn plant matter. Then let everything soak until the liquid turns a light brown color or until a visual inspection shows that all the last particles have come loose.

For plastic grinders, boil some water on the stove and then drop your grinder pieces into the pot. Reduce the heat to a gentle boil (so you don’t melt the freakin’ grinder, you pyro) and then leave the grinder in the hot water for one minute.

Remove the grinder pieces from the liquid hot magma (a la Dr. Evil) with cooking tongs, and then set them on a towel to cool. Be sure to wait 10 minutes to give the pieces plenty of time to reach room temperature.

5) Reassemble And Enjoy

After the pieces of your grinder are cool, it’s time to reassemble and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Oooh! Feel how easy it turns? Isn’t that worth all the back-breaking work?

The answer is yes.

How To Use The Goo From Your Grinder

Person practicing how to clean a grinder

Remember how we told you not to discard anything you remove from your grinder (DON”T DO IT!)? Here’s why.

That stuff is pure, unadulterated kief. And it’s often of higher quality than the stuff you pull out on a regular basis because it was “fresher” when you ground your cannabis.

So unless you’re grinding cheese or nuts between bouts of cannabis (in which case, eeew), don’t let this ganja gold go to waste.

Not sure how to use the kief you get after cleaning your grinder? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Decarboxylate it and mix it into your favorite edible
  • Sprinkle a bit on your joint before you close
  • Add a smidge to the bowl of your bong
  • Roll your blunt in this fairy dust
  • Use it to make weed tea

The sky’s the limit on how you can use the kief you get after cleaning your grinder. Exercise your imagination and have fun. That’s what cannabis is all about.

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    • Автор: [Grower Бот]
      Trimming weed may seem like a daunting activity. But take it from the professionals — it’s not as hard as all that. In fact, it’s pretty simple, and we’re going to teach you how.
      In this article, we’ll show you the best way to trim your weed for maximum potency. We’ll even tell you how you can use all the stuff you trim off your bud to make edibles, creams, and other fun stuff.
      Why Trimming Weed Is Essential
      Trimming weed is essential during the harvesting process because it reduces the harshness of the finished product.
      Leaves contain more chlorophyll than the flowers (buds), so they will always feel more acidic in your throat when burned. Getting rid of those leaves will make the buds smoother and easier to smoke.

      Trimming weed also improves THC concentration. Leaves, by nature, have a lower concentration of trichomes.
      If you leave the leaves on the bud, gram-for-gram there will be fewer trichomes and, as a result, less THC in the finished product. That can affect potency, flavor, and the overall experience of burning down.
      How To Trim Your Marijuana Plant
      Supplies For Trimming Weed
      Pruning snips Pruning shears Disposable rubber gloves (thin latex medical gloves, not the thick dishwashing gloves) Three trays or cookie sheets (one for the cut branch, one for the trimmings, and one for your finished bud) Rubbing alcohol (for cleaning) Rag (for cleaning) Trimming Weed In 5 Easy Steps
      Before we begin, we’re going to suggest that you leave the pot plant standing for the time being. Cut off one branch at a time so you can get the hang of trimming weed before you go all-in and harvest the whole plant.
      1a) Set Up Your Weed-Trimming Area
      Give yourself plenty of room when setting up your area for trimming weed. A kitchen table works well in this regard (minus the cat, of course).

      Having done this many, many times, we recommend having some type of entertainment on hand. Trimming weed in a quiet environment can get extremely boring and tedious really quickly.
      If you have a large coffee table in front of your TV, clear it off and set up your trimming area there. Or maybe you have a folding table you use for cards or puzzles. Spread your trays and tools there and go to work.
      If all else fails, just sit on the floor. That said, you will need to be comfortable because you’re going to be here for a while.
      This is a great time to binge watch one of your favorite shows or movie series. Preferably, something you’ve already seen since your attention is going to be on trimming weed.
      1b) Ventilate
      Trimming weed is a smelly job (good smelly, not bad), so it’s a smart idea to run an exhaust fan (crack a window, yo) or a carbon scrubber to reduce the dank odor. This is an optional step, but let’s just say that you’ve been warned.
      2) Don Your Gloves
      This step is also optional — but highly recommended. Trimming weed is a sticky job, and resin will get everywhere. If you don’t want to constantly wash your hands throughout the process, keep a box of disposable latex gloves nearby.
      If you opt for the ungloved route, be sure to have plenty of rubbing alcohol on hand to cut the sticky icky off your digits. Trust us, soap and water don’t cut it.
      If you trade in your used gloves for a fresh pair, set the old pair in a bowl or at the corner of your tray. Then when you’re done trimming weed, see if you can extract any of the material off the surface of the gloves.
      Why would you want to go to all that trouble? Because that stuff is basically hash and will make a nice addition to your next smoke sesh.
      3) Cut A Branch Off Your Plant
      Now that you’re all ready to go, cut a branch off your plant and lay it on one of the cookie trays.
      Some of the branches on your cannabis plant will be pretty thick. Scissors won’t do. We recommend buying a sturdy pair of pruning shears (like the ones pictured below) that you use exclusively for trimming weed.

      These shears are made for cutting thicker branches and stems, unlike snips that you’ll use later for the finer work of cutting off the leaves and such.
      In the absence of pruning shears, you can use a knife to cut a branch off the main stem, but shears will make it quick and easy. If you skip the shears and go with the knife, at least use a serrated blade to chew through the stem.
      When you’re choosing where to cut, only remove branches that you can handle easily. We suggest keeping the length of the branches you cut to between 18 and 24 inches if possible.
      4) Remove The Large Fan Leaves
      “How can you tell the difference between a fan leaf and all the other leaves on the marijuana plant?” you ask. The fan leaves look like every picture you’ve ever seen of a pot leaf.
      Chances are, they’ll look something like this:

      They’ll be growing out of the buds at the ends of the branches. When trimming weed, you can usually remove these leaves by hand. The stems will snap off with a little pressure from your fingers.
      This is where it’s good to have on latex gloves because your fingers are going to come in contact with a lot of resin.
      Don’t discard these leaves. They’re good for other things (we’ll talk about that at the end). Just pile them on one of the empty cookie trays for now.
      5) Snip Off The Sugar Leaves
      After you remove the fan leaves, you’ll be able to see smaller leaves sticking out of the bud. Typically, just the tips of those leaves will emerge from the bud and you won’t be able to see (or get ahold of) the stems.
      This is where your smaller pruning snips come into play.

      Pruning snips (like the ones shown above) have a much smaller blade than pruning shears and are meant for the delicate work of cutting small stems, flowers, and leaves. Pruning snips are usually spring loaded and don’t require a lot of hand strength to use.
      This is a good thing because you’re going to be snipping a lot of stuff away from the bud while you’re trimming weed.
      With snips in hand, cut the sugar leaves so that they’re flush with the bud itself. Do your clipping over the cookie tray that’s already holding your fan leaves. Remember, you can use all this plant matter later while you’re waiting for your harvest to be ready for consumption.
      If your snips get too sticky to use while you’re trimming weed, scrape off as much of the resin as possible and save it for later. Then clean the blades with rubbing alcohol and a rag.
      When you’re done trimming weed, the finished bud will look something like this:

      Try not to cut the actual bud, but get rid of as many of the leaves as possible. It’s all right if you leave some (especially on your first try), but any leaf matter left on the bud will make for harsher smoke when you decarboxylate.
      Place the finished branch on the third cookie sheet, and go back to your plant (with shears in hand) for a new piece to trim. Repeat this process until you’ve removed all the branches from your pot plant.
      What To Do After Trimming Weed
      Unfortunately, trimming weed is only the first step in producing a finished product (i.e., ready to smoke). We know the wait can be hard, but the next step — drying and curing — is crucial if you want a smooth-tasting product with plenty of cannabinoids and terpenes intact.
      Drying and curing involves hanging your nugs in a temperature- and humidity-controlled environment for a week or so, then transferring them to storage containers to cure for anywhere from one month to six months.
      But wait! That stuff you cut off while trimming weed is useful too. And it gives you something to do while you wait for the buds to cure. Here’s how you can get the most out of every part of the marijuana plant.
      Stalks — Toss them in a grinder or chipper to make mulch. Fan leaves — Juice them or brew them as weed tea. Sugar leaves — Cook in cannabutter. Roots — Brew into tea or prepare as a topical cream. Honestly, there’s so much you can do with the cannabis plant that once you start looking, you’ll be amazed at the awesome things canna-enthusiasts have come up with (smoking meat with the stems!).
      Do a little research and try out your favorites. It really does bring a whole new meaning to the term Reuse/Recycle.
    • Автор: [Grower Бот]
      Looking for the basics of how to grow marijuana? Here are the tools and information on how to grow weed affordably and effectively. All you need is a small discreet space and a little bit of a budget to get started on your indoor pot production.
      Grow Tools
      The first thing you’ll need is a place to grow. I recommend getting yourself a decent grow tent. They’re cheap, made to grow inside of and can be put up and taken down quickly by one person. Some tents come with packages that include all kind of complicated hydroponic equipment. Your best bet is to purchase only what you need inside the tent and to learn how to grow weed without the expensive plastic. Some even have separate chambers for vegetative growth and cloning, making them perfect for people living in one-bedroom apartments or studios with limited room to grow.
      First, you’ll need a growlight. I like HID (High-Intensity Discharge) lighting – HPS (High-Pressure Sodium) or MH (Metal Halide) systems with ballasts, bulbs and reflectors. If heat from these lights will be an issue, there are also LED (Light-Emitting Diode) and CFL (Compact Fluorescent) systems you can employ. Be sure to get a light that covers your tent’s footprint and invest in a decent timer to control when your light turns on and off.
      You’ll also need an exhaust fan and activated carbon filter to reduce heat and eliminate odors. Be sure to get one that’s rated for your tent’s size with the proper ducting size. A clip-on circulating fan will keep air moving and stop it from being stagnant. A thermometer/hygrometer is also a must for keeping track of temperature and humidity.
      If you don’t have access to marijuana seeds or clones from a dispensary or friend, you’ll need to get some cannabis seeds mailed to you. Don’t have them mailed to the same place you plan to grow if you’re not growing legally. Don’t just learn how to grow weed, learn how to be discreet and not brag or bring attention to yourself.
      A simple loose and airy soil mix in 3-5 gallon buckets are great for beginners and much more forgiving than any hydroponic system. Be sure to cut holes in the bottom of the buckets and use saucers under them to catch any overflow. You’ll need to purchase nutrients to feed to your plants as they grow and a watering can as well.
      How To Grow Weed  

      After you’ve planted your seeds or rooted your clones, it’s time to get them growing. Lower your reflector so that it’s closer to the plants rather than making them stretch to reach for light. Raise the lighting system as your plants grow. Set your light timer to be on for 18 hours per day and off for 6 hours. During this vegetative stage, the plant will grow leaves and branches but no flowers (unless it’s an auto-flowering plant).
      Avoid overfeeding and overwatering your plants at all costs. Err on the side of caution as it’s always easier to add more nutrients or water than it is to take them away. Marijuana roots prefer a wet/dry cycle so lift up your buckets and you’ll get a better idea for if they need watering or not by the weight. The first sign of overfed plants is burnt leaf tips. The first rule of how to grow weed is to learn to stay off of its way sometimes.
      Anytime space is limited for growing, some basic rules apply: Since square footage is at a premium, plans must take full advantage of each available inch. This means choosing between growing indica-dominant strains such as Hashplant, Afghani #1 or planning on using drastic trellising and training techniques if growing out sativas such as Super Silver Haze, Jack Herer or Kali Mist.
      Pruning For Higher Yield

      When pruning, start early and often. Cut or pinch branches just above the node where two new shoots will emerge. If you stay on top of this process, you’ll have plants that look like bonsai bushes, with plenty of bud sites but not a lot of stretching out and big gaps between nodes. This is the efficient way to get bigger yields out of small spaces but your vegetating time will increase so factor that into your schedule.
      Don’t prune or pinch plants at all once they’ve begun flowering – you’ll only be decreasing your harvest at that point. If the branches are threatening to reach the light, bend them or tie them down to keep them from burning. A trellis system constructed from chicken wire at canopy level (aka the ScrOG or Screen of Green system), will further spread out bud sites and increase your yields considerably. Simply train growing shoots to grow horizontally along the bottom of the screen to fill empty spots.
      Flower Power

      Indoors, The decision of when to induce flowering in your plants is entirely up to you. If you want to learn how to grow weed, it’s important to determine how much space you have and to factor in the fact that your plants will stretch for at least a few weeks after flowering is induced. I usually recommend one week per gallon of container, so a plant in a five-gallon bucket should get approximately five weeks of vegetative time.
      When you’re ready to begin the flowering stage, switch your timer to a 12 hour on/12 hour off light cycle. Be sure never to interrupt the 12-hour dark period with any light. This confuses your plant and can cause serious problems.
      Change your feeding regimen to one suited for flowering. Plant nutrients generally come in vegetative or flowering formulations so switch over to a “blooming” solution. Depending on the flowering time of your strain, determine when you have two weeks or so left and begin the flushing process. If you’re growing a 60-day flowering strain, start to flush your grow medium with only plain water around day 46.
      Harvesting, Drying and Curing
      Knowing when and how to harvest your buds is as important as knowing how to grow weed.
      Use a loupe or a strong magnifying scope to take a very close look at the trichomes; the tiny glandular stalk and head sometimes referred to as “crystals”. Up close, they resemble little glass mushrooms with a stem that forms a bulbous round clear top. Inside that gland head resides the psychoactive compounds (THC, CBD etc). Harvest when the majority of the gland heads begin to go cloudy white and before they’ve gone completely amber. Harvest when they’re mostly amber if you desire a more lethargic stone.
      Post-harvest, you will trim and hang up your buds to dry. This process should take about a week or two depending on the humidity and heat in your area. It’s always best to keep this process slower than 3-4 days in order to ensure you aren’t locking in that “green” chlorophyll taste. Add a humidifier to your drying room if you think your nuggets are drying out too quickly. Never leave a fan blowing directly onto your drying colas but make sure air is circulating to avoid mold and bud-rot.
      After you’ve determined that your buds are sufficiently dried you’re ready to jar them up for the cure. The stems should snap instead of bending and the outside of the flowers should feel bone dry to the touch. The truth is there is still plenty of water stuck in the bud and the curing process will slowly “sweat” out the remaining liquid.
      Always use opaque jars (ones you can’t see inside) and place them in a cool dark place. Open up the jars to determine the level of moisture and leave them open if there’s any condensation forming on the inside of the glass. Slowly but surely, if you open and close the jars once or twice a day, the moist air will be replenished by dry air and the water that’s stuck in the middle of your bud will work its way to the outside and then out into the air altogether. After three weeks to a month or so curing, your buds should burn and taste perfectly.
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